Saturday, January 20, 2018

Reading Profile

I love reading. It is the activity I engage in most frequently. However, the number of books that I've read has been in decline since high school, because that's around the time that I discovered and fell in love with fanfiction. That said, that are still some books I enjoy reading, and the types of fanfiction that I read are similar to what I look for in actual books.

I'm a fan of romance, if I'm reading a romance book. Romance in other genres is a bit hit and miss for me, since the romance usually feels tacked on and unnecessary.

The author that I'm currently most interested in is Nalini Singh, who writes romance novels that cross with sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal. Before I lost my life to fanfiction, I used to read Tamora Pierce. I also got into Brian Jaques' Redwall series. Nowadays I mostly read fanfiction revolving around my current obsession (tv shows, comics, books, movies), but hey, at least I'm reading.


  1. Is it bad to admit that fanfiction has always intimidated me? I think because there's SO MUCH of it for SO MANY things that I don't know where to start. Can I ask, what are some of your favorites? I have the idea that I'd like fanfiction, especially in the seemingly interminable waits between books, seasons, etc. for things.

    1. Fanfiction can be very intimidating if you've never read it before, or navigated the sites for it. And there is A LOT of it to get through. My current favorites are Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, and a comic called Check, Please. Fanfiction is great way to explore new ideas, different plots, and different characters. I'd say, find a show, movie, or book that you're invested in and want to see new ideas for. There's two main sites that I use that I can give you the links for, if you're interested.

  2. Great profile! I didn't join the dark side until Star Wars The Last Jedi, then I got into fanfiction with a passion. Like every morning, it's also made me read more sci-fi books. Have you ever read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell? It's all about a fanfiction author navigating college and first love, it's great!

    1. 95% of the time that I'm on my phone, I'm reading fanfiction. It's an obsession. And I haven't read Fangirl, but it sounds really interesting!

  3. Brittany,
    WoW! Thanks! I have, actually, never heard of fanfiction until your, I looked it up. What a great creative outlet for fans and, it seems, there are forums in place to share the work. What is your favorite topic, now, for fanfiction? Any particular work? Also, I'm wondering how copyright laws play into fan you know? Sounds like a great way to get some new, creative works. Thanks!

    1. Here's a wikipedia article about the legal issues surrounding fanfiction:

      I've been mostly obsessed with the Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, Check, Please, and various anime universes. I'm not too picky on genre or topic, though romance and adventure are main features in a lot of what I read. And I agree, fanfiction is a great way to get some new creative works. I'm fairly certain that the Fifty Shades of Grey series was originally Twilight fanfiction at one point. And there's quite a few fanfiction authors that I follow that also write and publish professionally.

  4. Actually, I guess you kind of answered my question above when you said you've been reading Singh lately. What do you think about the love story in The Matrix (film). That's my favorite romance.

    1. I enjoyed the romantic subplot because it tied into the main plot and fit with the characters really well. And yes, Nalini Singh is the author I'm currently invested in. She had a book come out recently titled 'Archangel's Viper' that I enjoyed.
